Saturday 14 August 2021

Crosslands Reserve - luxury lockdown location likely to lose legality

It's always a nice spot, but today it excelled itself. The car park was full as ever, but the lockdown exercisers must have been largely out exercising genuinely along the Great North Walk, rather than participating in enormous picnics and barbecues, like you usually see here on weekends. So the wide open spaces were indeed wide open, and it was yet another beautiful sunny day.

The Covid outbreak broke through to new records today, and the rules got changed once again. As from 5pm the whole state is finally locked down. 

What the new exercise/travel excuse rules mean for Crosslands type expeditions here in Greater Sydney is still a bit unclear to me. In the northern suburbs you used to be able to travel up to 10km for your exercise excuse, but this has become 5km. Except that, on most interpretations, you could go a lot further if you stayed in your local government area (if it happened to be a big one that is, like Hornsby!)  I'm yet to work out if the local LGA loophole still applies. Premier Gladys and her cronies rarely say anything clear and definitive during their public appearances.*  Except that there are $5000 fines involved! And the relevant section of the NSW Health website seems to be snowed under, so I can't seem to clarify the point.

* Actually they also say very clearly that they are in no way to blame for the emergency. It's the people who do the wrong thing, it's the virus that got virulent, it's the health advice they followed, it's the vaccines that didn't come, etc etc. Definitely nothing to do with a government that waited 10 days too long to do anything much, and then did far too little for several weeks. If you take your health advice from business 'leaders', you'll be led to a very bad place, in every respect, business included.

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