Tuesday 6 April 2021

The Great North Walk part 2: Macquarie Park to Hornsby



Crossing the upper Lane Cove River on the approach to Thornleigh


A rather enormous lace monitor (goanna)

Lunch break at the Berowra Creek crossing just north of  'The Jungo'. There's another group over there. And would you believe, they've got one of our club's members in tow. (Seemingly not against her will though.)
Afternoon tea break at the Fishponds, and they look like they're needing that break. It's been a good long hike.

Prior to that final ascent up the 326 stone steps, another short break is in order.

They all seem keen to come back next month for the next stage. Stay tuned!

Here they are on the 'Bridge of No Return' over Tedbury Creek, at today's half-way mark

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