Saturday 24 April 2021

Normanhurst to Thornleigh the long way

I took my bushwalkers the long way from Normanhurst to Thornleigh the other day. It's two minutes by train, or 20 minutes walking along the street the quick way. 

But we did it via a nice little four-hour circumlocutory bushwalkerly way. Creeks encountered: Waitara, Dog Pound, Berowra, Tedbury, and Zig-Zag.

 Upper Waitara Creek

One slightly tricky bit along Waitara Creek: you have to use a (thoughtfully provided) rope to descend a small cliff.

We're down now. The scenery is a bit dominated by the sewage pipe above our heads. Its contents are destined for the West Hornsby wastewater treatment plant, and it smells appropriately.





(Photo: Karen T)

Up the Dog Pound Creek Hornsby-Westleigh link track now, emerging near the Westleigh Fire Station.

After following the Great North Walk for a while, we head up onto Stringybark Ridge, and across the paddocks that used to be the Hornsby Pony Club.



Then it's a leisurely afternoon tea at Thornleigh's Monday Morning Cafe.

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