Tuesday 24 March 2020

What to do after the zoo?

Just down the road from Dubbo Zoo is a very nice little heritage building, run by the National Trust, called Dundullimal Homestead. It's a good spot for a stroll and an afternoon tea once you've completed your zoo circuit. It was built around 1840, as the head station on a 65 square km pastoral property, and it's on the banks of the Macquarie River. It may be Australia's oldest surviving slab hut house. (Wikipedia)

The problem is - and I encountered exactly the same hitch last time I did the Zoo thing - that it closes rather early in the afternoon, just before I arrive in fact. But this time an adjustment was made to the visiting hours by the wonderful lady who runs the place, and my party was treated anyway to tea, talk, and leisurely inspection, all out of hours. Magnificent customer service!

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