Wednesday 18 March 2020

"Just don't do it" won't restock the supermarket shelves

It's 6:55am at Thornleigh Woolworths. There's an orderly queue for the much touted oldies' shopping session. Which is a relief, after all the scary stories about how the oldies could out-monster all the younger shoppers when they put their minds to it!

Inside the store they'd stacked a few packs of toilet paper rolls in the aisle, and your correspondent managed to secure one of the last of them. And a chunk of meat. And a packet of Weetbix,and a few face tissues even.

Off then to Westleigh's Aldi, which turned out to be closed for restocking.

When it reopened, the queue was enormous.

During the morning, our beloved Prime Minister had held a much-awaited press conference about the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. He told us to stop this panic buying straight away. "Stop it. Just stop it!". He was very annoyed, and he showed it. "Just don't do it!"

'Scotty from Marketing' as he is sometimes kindly referred to, had showed us once again why he is no longer in marketing. Suddenly the queues are many times longer.

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