Friday 14 February 2020

Droughts and flooding rains

It was almost inevitable that our worst ever drought, hottest ever heatwave, and worst ever bushfires, would be followed by one of the wettest ever downpour events. That's what happened last weekend. My rain gauge recorded 250mm, the highest for any three or four day period in its lifetime, and some areas in the Blue Mountains recorded over 500mm.

Remembering the minor flood we experienced a few years ago during a lesser rain event, I did a bit of quick civil engineering outside, and hastily constructed a drainage channel to steer the water safely down the side of the house and out towards the street.

Dorothea Mackeller famously wrote about her love of her sunburnt country, a land of droughts and flooding rains. Several of our shockingly ignorant, coal-loving politicians having been quoting Dorothea Mackeller a lot lately, implying that climate change has nothing to do with our current climatic extremes. They're no longer managing to convince many though.

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