Thursday 24 October 2019

Poh-faced Jamface and the Adelaide Farmers Market

Adelaide seems to have got itself a convenient and comfortable train service since I was last there, and the Glenelg tram has been well renovated too. What's more, transport is free for oldies outside of peak hours, so we were able to get around rather well on our recent Sunday excursion there.

First stop was Adelaide Farmers Market, at the Showgrounds in Wayville ( more here ). One of the attractions there was Jamface, the gourmet food stall run by Poh Ling Yeow, the Malaysian-born runner-up in the first Australian Masterchef series in 2009. One of our party was keen to sample the very fine sweets she makes and serves there. See more on Poh and Jamface here: Jamface

They were indeed delicious. And they sort of survived being carried around for the day, though there was some contention about that!

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