Monday 21 October 2019

It actually is a rather great ocean road!

Just about everyone does the Great Ocean Road at some time, along Victoria's coastline. Especially the grey nomads, the Asian package tourists, and the Melbournian day trippers. It's much talked about, and I'd wondered at times if it was perhaps a little overblown.

That wasn't my experience though. It truly is a rather good trip. At least, it was the other week, out of season and away from school holiday time or weekends. It might get a little busy then.

For a start, there are the free range koalas, and some over-friendly native birds.
Then there's that truly stunning scenery to the east and west of Port Campbell. Like the Twelve Apostles. It seems the number of apostles is a little rubbery. Wikipedia, (here: Twelve Apostles Wikipedia ) tells us that from the main viewpoint you see seven - there were eight but one collapsed. (Or was it nine but one collapsed, except that might have been one of the nearby Three Sisters - the accounts vary).

And there's the remaining part of London Bridge. The connecting bit collapsed in 1990 (see: London Arch Wikipedia) and it became London Arch instead. That would have been a sight. It surely was quite an experience for the two tourists who were stranded and rescued by helicopter!

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