Sunday 27 January 2019

No fire in his (red) belly!

I met my second snake of the season this morning, while doing my morning bike ride. He was there on the road looking very fierce. He was a red-bellied black snake, tenth on the list of  Australia's deadliest snakes, according to Australian Geographic. We make out that's the same as tenth deadliest in the world. Not so. Anyway, it's pretty venomous.

Mind you, they don't often chase you, or bite you. Especially when they're dead! This one had in fact been hit by a car, and he was quite lifeless.

I respectfully picked him up from the road, and put him on the footpath, so he could scare pedestrians all day! Must have worked, because when I went back this evening to photograph him, he was still in exactly the same spot. I think they'd all given him a wide berth. In fact by then his smell was considerably worse than his bite.

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