Friday 6 April 2018

Mutiny on the marathon

The annual bushwalkers' marathon took place recently. This year I took them from Manly to St Leonards, via harbourside tracks, beaches, and the odd heritage-listed fortification.

The concept of the marathon walk is simple. You start early, finish late, and take only short breaks. By the end of the day you'll have walked 42.2km. It's as simple as that.

Actually the hard bit is keeping the group together and putting down rebellions. They're always very keen at the start, but towards the end, all kinds of excuses emerge for taking short cuts or creatively manipulating GPS distance measurements.

I was ready for some of the early drop-outs. Due notice had been given. But I was a bit disappointed when half the remaining walkers took an unauthorised shortcut to the pub at about the 40km mark! Fancy inviting their instant disqualifications like that, when so near the end!

Below is most of  the group at the 33km mark, at Luna Park. See if you can identify the soon-to-be mutineers among them!

1 comment:

  1. The one on the right looks like trouble.
