Sunday 1 April 2018

Gundah Ridge

The bushwalkers of northern Sydney are almost spoilt for choice for easily accessible scenic bushwalks. For instance there's a good standard repertoire of round trips, whereby you go down to the Great North Walk on Berowra Creek somewhere, and come up by another track. The local bushwalking clubs do them endlessly.

So I was a bit surprised to find, and survey the other day, yet another variation - a round trip along some tracks I'd personally never explored before. It's quite well-travelled though, so maybe it's only me that didn't know about it.

You start along a fire trail at the end of Beaumont Rd, Mount Kuring-Gai. Before long you're seeing the water below.

You follow a less well defined track down from there, to join the Great North Walk at an iconic lookout rock.

Then it's along and up again, initially on the usual route that takes you out near Berowra station. But then there's a series of scenic fire trails - the Berkeley Trail and the Bambil Trail - which take you back across to Mount Kuring-Gai, and a stroll back through Beaumont Rd industrial area.


  1. Hey if cities could talk could you please send me a link of a detailed map of that walk. My partner has recently started working near there & I'd like to get from the end of Beaumont rd & back again.. It would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you & keep on walking :) grummz

    1. Sure grummz! Sorry about the delay. Can you send me an email address (not for publication), and I'll send you the GPS map I made. Happy walking!
