Sunday 8 October 2017

Redfern rainbows

Exploring some of my old haunts in Sydney's Inner West today, I was struck by the presence of so many rainbow flags and 'Vote Yes' signs around the place.

The referendum, sorry, plebiscite, sorry, non-binding postal survey, on same-sex marriage is underway, and the suburbs of Redfern, Newtown, and Marrickville would have to be Yes Central.

I'd not had strong views about this until the ultra-conservatives got in on the act, and did their usual thing of twisting, turning, and manipulating the decision-making process into a form that would maximise the chance of usurping the public's well-documented overwhelming approval of the reform. They're assuming that younger voters, the strongest 'yes' supporters, will be unlikely to figure out how to use the postal service, especially if it's an uncharacteristically non-compulsory vote.

It's rather reminiscent of how then Prime Minister John Howard managed to subvert the push for a republic 20 years ago, by framing the referendum question in a form of words that successfully divided the republicans and reversed the expected outcome.

So if the ultra-conservatives are against allowing same-sex marriage, I guess I'm for allowing it. Results aren't due for another month. My prediction is there will be a majority 'Yes' vote, but it will be close enough that the rabid naysayers in Federal Parliament will say the majority isn't clear enough, and they'll have to vote no in parliament anyway.

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