Saturday 14 October 2017

Pyramid Rock

It was destination Pyramid Rock for our adventure bushwalking group the other day. It's one of a number of rocky giant boulder pagoda things sticking up out of the tree cover in the Carne Creek area of the Gardens of Stone National  Park - one of our very favourite stamping grounds.

You start from Fire Trail No.7 off Glowworm Tunnel Rd, and you take a good look at your destination way below the cliff line.

Fortunately there's a (relatively) easy way down through the cliffs. It's called Miracle Slot, as it's a miracle that it takes you right down to the bottom of the cliff, rather than leaving you hanging somewhere half way down.

An hour or two later we'd trudged across to the site of the pyramids. We first scaled the slightly lesser (and easier) one immediately to the south of the 'Great Pyramid', to admire the views.

One of the views was of this rather large (and unfriendly looking) lace monitor. He stood his ground while we photographed him, rather than running up a tree or one of us, as they can sometimes do.

Then it was time to tackle Pyramid Rock proper. Not an insignificant climb, and only one of  our members made it to the top.

Then he had to make it down again, choosing a possibly more challenging route still.

Returning to the cliffs, we explored various scenic caves and ledges, before heading back up to the cars.

Another stunning bushwalkers' day out!

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