Saturday 23 September 2017

Rock Island

My Thursday Survey adventure walking group goes from strength to strength. Last week Harold took us to Rock Island (and Little Rock Island), in the Wollemi National Park, thirty or so kilometres north of Clarence and the (now defunct) Zig Zag Railway.

Here we are, heading towards our twin goals (rugged up against the snow and sleet that initially greeted us).

Coming down off Little Rock Island, and looking towards a Sphinx-like structure  on the southern end of Rock Island.

The 'islands' are large rocky plateaux, surrounded on all sides by steep-sided canyons with flowing creeks. Otherwise it was all rather dry. It hasn't rained much for months here, after all.

In one of the canyons, approaching the ascent onto Rock Island proper.

There's a big rock overhang, with its very own stalagmite and stalagtite.

And here's the way up onto Rock Island. A rather narrow slot. We wondered at first whether it was wide enough, so sent one of the larger members of the party up first. No problems!

The view from our lunch spot on Rock Island. One of our company exploring the fabulously tempting nearby pagodas.

There's another excellent rock overhang on the way out. We named it 'One Hand Cave', after the single hand stencil we saw there. (Then we saw a second one - must be 'Two Hands Cave')

Yet another terrific day out for the Thursday Surveyors!

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