Monday 4 September 2017

Auburn's cherry blossoms, furry friends and feathered show-offs

Auburn's Botanic Gardens held its Cherry Blossom Festival the other week. Its nice little Japanese garden was overrun by admiring visitors taking their selfies in front of the cherry trees and obscuring the view of the concrete Mt Fuji that lurks somewhere in there.

I went back a few days later to check out the gardens at leisure, and it was well worth the visit. There are 9 hectares to explore. As well as the Japanese garden,  there's a reflection pool, a scented garden, a rose garden, a native garden, a billabong, a rainforest and more.

I nearly forgot the fauna reserve. Sleepy kangaroos and an albino wallaby were being entertained by a curious emu and some extraordinarily showy peacocks.

More at:

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