Sunday 6 August 2017

Too many tour guides, not enough tourists

In Bukittinggi last month there was a marked shortage of western tourists. The tour guides were most concerned. The European summer holiday season should have been under way, but so far only a handful seemed to have made it to West Sumatra's traditional tourist capital.

There seemed to be unemployed wannabe guides all over the place. I employed a couple of competent, established guides though. Here's Erik, polishing his car.

One theory was that the earthquakes and tsunamis of recent years had frightened people off. Another was that the ending of the Medan to Penang ferry service (due to competition from cheap airlines) had severed the well trodden backpacker route up through Sumatra. But travel has its fashions anyway. Destinations go in and out of vogue. And a lot of travellers go straight to Lake Maninjau or the Harau Valley these days. For old times sake I was staying put for a whole relaxed week in Bukittinggi.

I used Erik's services for two full day tours. Here he is, showing me how a designer rural fish cracker factory works.

And here's Rara, of LITE 'N EASY Tours. She did a magnificent job of looking after me for another couple of days.

 She came equipped with corporate umbrella, corporate fold-up chair, and corporate LITE 'N EASY Tour sign.

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