Monday 23 January 2017

Surfers: a paradise for surfers (of course!) and the old farts too

We watched a beginners surfing class on the beach at Surfers Paradise. It's an obvious must-do activity for all the young backpackers. I can't afford to be at all sniffy about them. I can't do it at all. Tried once, several decades ago, and failed miserably. Never tried again. Good for them, I say!

But Surfers is obviously a place for old farts too. It was supposedly in its heyday in the 1970s, so the old farts who discovered it then can't stop themselves dropping in again from time to time. And amazingly, we found ourselves following a proud self-proclaimed old fart along the Gold Coast Highway!

Note for my non-Australian readership: While the online slang dictionaries label the term 'old fart' as perjorative, the Australian usage version I consulted confirms that there's nothing to worry about. 'old fart' = 'old friend', and 'boring old fart' = 'my good friend'.

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