Wednesday 31 August 2016

Peak District perambulation

While in the north of England some old friends took me on a nice little bushwalk - OK a nice little ramble -  in the Peak District.

We started in Glossop, Derbyshire, and made our way, partly off-track, up onto the Bleaklow plateau. It's all quite scenic, up on the moors. And though the weather was fine and the hills not so high, it's easy to see how people could get lost - it's all so undulating and the weather's not always fine.

Despite the hills not being that high, many aircraft have managed to collide with them over the years. We visited the site of a 1948 crash of a US Air Force B29 Flying Fortress. The entire crew of 13 perished, and the remains of the aircraft are still scattered on the moor, serving now as a memorial.

Here's Wikipedia's piece on the area and the plane crash:

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