Friday 26 August 2016

Man on the Moon

When I grew up in Birmingham, there was a nearby pub called the Man in the Moon. I never actually went there, but it was a very well-known local landmark. Lots of people can see a man in the moon when they look at the full moon, at least in the northern hemisphere, where it's appropriately oriented. Mind you, in some cultures, they see a chicken, or a rabbit. (I see mountains and plains and craters, but that's another story.)

When NASA landed the Apollo 11 astronauts on the Moon, on 20 July 1969, lots of people chose to watch it on TV at the Man in the Moon, where free drinks and a big party were on offer. That night the pub changed its name.

One small name change for Man..........

I finally made it there on my recent trip. Opinion among locals I consulted was divided about the merits of the place, so I consulted Tripadvisor. And it came up pretty good. Take a look:

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