Monday 13 July 2015

Flying ahead in Gulargambone

It's one of those fabulous NSW place names, Gulargambone. It means place of galahs, or something like that. The feathered galahs, I hasten to add, but the name does have that irresistible hint of slow talking backwoodsness about it, and I'm sure the locals have to live with some slightly disrespectful comments from residents of the other hip-and-happening towns of NSW's central west!

Gulargambone. You have to keep saying the word.

Anyway, it's a pleasant and charming place. It's on the Castlereagh River, it's 526km from Sydney, and we stopped there briefly on the way up towards our first main destination of Lightning Ridge. And there are galahs everywhere - corrugated iron ones and feathered ones. As for any humans, galahs or not, we saw none. The place was deserted!

Gulargambone. (I've said it again!)

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