Thursday 8 August 2013

Rookwood - our dead centre

Some people don't like cemeteries. Others do, and I'm in the latter group. In Sydney we've got a very special and very historic one located pretty close to the dead centre of the metropolitan area.

Rookwood Necropolis is about 3 square kilometres in area, and Wikipedia tells me it's the largest Victorian era cemetery in the world. Rookwood is a suburb in its own right, between Lidcombe and Strathfield. I was going to say it has its own postcode too, but I see it shares its postcode with Lidcombe. I guess its one million inhabitants don't really need to receive much mail any more.

It's divided into five main areas, managed by five denominational trusts. There's the catholics, the anglicans, the independents, the jews and the muslims. Then there's the crematorium too. I enjoy exploring the different areas, with their different styles. There are also memorials to things like the jewish holocaust, and monuments to peace.

Some of its more notable inhabitants include former NSW premiers, famous business and underworld figures, plus friend Bob's mother, and a whole host of friend Jacqui's relatives. She's measured herself up for her spot there too!

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