Tuesday 16 June 2020

Peak Hill variations

Another trip up the delightful Peak Hill the other day. Delightful, as in it's everyone's favourite pointy-shaped little mountain. It's fairly accessible, and there are lots of variations to how you can get there and back.

It's close to Brooklyn, on the Hawkesbury River, and one round trip we often do involves going in via Porto Ridge, and then bashing our way down a now horribly overgrown creek to Sandy Bay.

There's a spectacular and little-known rock overhang on the way, which houses some aboriginal hand stencils.

The descent this time was by an unexplored (by us) route to the west and then north of the Peak. It was a bit challenging at first, with the usual cliffs and other such obstacles.

It all came together in the end though. Always has done so far.

And there we were, down in Sandy Bay again.

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