Wednesday 29 April 2020

Covid countdown - "Test, test, test!"

What an adventure! In NSW we're now encouraged to turn up for a Covid-19 test if we have the slightest cough, runny nose, or sore throat. And that's thoroughly commendable. We're down to single figure confirmed cases per day, and if we test just about anyone who turns up, we might just get to eliminate the thing entirely.

I do have a bit of a dry cough that wakes me up at night now and again, plus a slightly runny nose  (for a couple of years now - probably hay fever), so I don't think I was pushing the boundaries too far. After all, the more data compiled about the overall prevalence of the disease, the better. It's no use waiting until someone's about to die before testing them, as they do in some countries.

The process at the Hornsby Hospital Covid-19 clinic was being run very efficiently today by two young nurses. Altogether it took about one hour. You arrive, fill out a form, sit around socially spaced outside, get let inside to sit around socially spaced a bit longer.

Then you're in the booth. Nurse Rachael or her colleague check your details and then shove tubes into your mouth and up both nostrils. It's rather weird! Then they tell you you'll get the results in a few days time, and you're not allowed to leave your house until you get the results!

Mmmmmm! Hadn't thought about that bit. I'll have to give the local parks explorations a bit of a rest.

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