Monday 7 October 2019

The Asquith-Bobbin Head multi-tunnel circuit!

Some bushwalking clubs do the same old walks year in, year out. I won't name them. They know who they are. And there's a place for this anyway - popular walks are popular because they're good walks, after all, and there are always new people coming along who haven't done them.

But good bushwalking clubs also put in a fair bit of effort to researching and pioneering whole new adventures. My fellow All Nations Bushwalkers leader, Liam, is quite the star at this. Yesterday he led us around a beautifully crafted new circuit, starting and finishing at Asquith Station, and visiting Bobbin Head in the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park down below.

Access to the park is via two rather fine tunnels beneath the M1 motorway. They're not at all well known, and some of the tracks we followed are relatively little known too. Add in a couple of short off-track bits, and the Asquith Circuit came together nicely.

I somehow forgot to take any photos during our Bobbin Head lunch, but here's one of us looking down on the area afterwards.

At 21km, and with some decent ups and downs and those off-track bits, it makes for a fairly big day, and some of the participants were somewhat tested.

The second tunnel was a welcome sight.

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