Sunday 24 February 2019

Glass half full (quarry half empty)

I did an inspection of the Hornsby quarry yesterday. You're not exactly encouraged to go inspecting, but I have my methods.

The quarry was an embarrassment for the Council for many years, having been obliged to expensively buy it when it closed, but without the funds or plan for doing anything with it.

Then along came the NorthConnex road tunnel project, and a plot was hatched to use the spoil from the tunnels to fill the quarry, and then to create 'the Centennial Park of the North' within the filled-in quarry.

It was understood that there wouldn't be enough fill to completely fill the hole, but at first glance I thought they hadn't put much in at all. It was still a very deep hole. There again, when I dug out a picture of the thing as it was a year or two back (second photo, courtesy Hornsby Shire Council), it was clear that much had indeed been achieved.

Here's a link to the Council's video about the project, with time-lapse footage and all:  Final Truckload video

I look forward to watching the creation of  'the centrepiece of the Shire's recreational facilities for generations to come'.

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