Monday 1 July 2013

Harbour Bridge Pylon Lookout & Museum

Lonely Planet recently spruiked the wisdom of forgoing the expensive Bridgeclimb walk over the Harbour Bridge, in favour of the somewhat more modest attraction of the lookout and museum located in the bridge's southeast pylon.

For a mere $11, against $200 or more, you get almost as good a view, you get to take all your own photographs, you get to spend as little or as long as you like there (and to spend a penny if necessary too!) You also learn quite a lot about this iconic bridge and its construction.

I've been telling my visitors all of this for a long time, and the other day I reacquainted myself with the place. It was still a nice little visitor experience.

You do indeed look down on the Bridgeclimb people for much of their journey. You get great views of Circular Quay and the visiting cruise ships. You can see the Blue Mountains far to the west. And you almost get to swing on the scary cables used by the construction workers, unencumbered by any safety harnesses or anything, while they positioned the various meccano bits together eighty years ago.

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