Monday 1 November 2021

Glenbrook Creek and the Portal and Tunnel View Lookouts


It's one of the Blue Mountains' classic walks. We started from Lapstone station yesterday, and made our way down to the Nepean River and its junction with Glenbrook Creek.






The ascent to Portal Lookout is quite steep and in parts, quite exciting. At the top, we found they'd erected a fence, and a sign that said 'Abseilers Only'. We weren't quite abseiling, but I think we qualified.



From the top you get to survey the Nepean River and western Sydney.

Then it's a somewhat boring walk along recently sealed roads to Tunnel View Lookout, where you watch the trains on the other side of the valley, going in and out of the tunnel that cuts through the big bulgy bit.

Down then to a horribly crowded Jellybean pool for lunch, and a 3 km boulder-hop down the creek and round to the start point again.

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