Monday 19 July 2021

Give us this day our daily park

As in exercise park. One of the reasons we're officially allowed out of our homes during Lockdown 2 is of course exercise, up to 10km from home. Or within your LGA (local government area). I've no idea whether that means whichever of the two is further or whichever is nearer. One more silly ambiguity in the regulations.

Anyway, either way there are lots of parks out there, many of which I reported on last year, during our Lockdown 1. Amazingly, I'm still discovering new ones for the daily excursion. Here's a view of Foxglove Oval in Mount Colah yesterday.

Our exercise trips do involve some genuine exercise. We actually run around the park, sort of. But we always psyche ourselves up first with a takeaway coffee on a park bench. I remember when Lockdown 1 first came in, there were reports of over-zealous police officers issuing fines to people on park benches. Thankfully that seems to have stopped.

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