Saturday 17 October 2020

More Gardens of Stone: Baal Bone Ridge & Poseidon Arena

I make no apology for the bigger collection of photos than usual. This was one of the most photogenic bushwalks of them all. I often say that after a visit to the Gardens of Stone though - it's that sort of place.

Here we are at Baal Bone Gap, about to head off on another wonderland adventure.


Many of the rock formations are named for their resemblance to things like, in this case, a walking boot! It's been named as Mercury's Boot.




The dreadful fires of a few months back make for easy progress. There's a certain extra beauty once again about it all though.

Great views of Pantoneys Crown off to the north.


We spent quite a while looking for 'Mushroom Rock'. This was the best we could do, but I've a feeling the real one evaded us.




No doubt about the Seahorse though.

Heading home at last, via the shorter but bumpier route: the Bicentennial National Trail.

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