Friday 25 September 2020

It's a gas! - climate activists out & about again

Today was another day of action for climate activists around the country. The schoolkids initiated it, but oldies were welcome to turn up or to organise their own events.

COVID restrictions meant there were to be no mass rallies. Lots of smaller gatherings of up to 20 were encouraged, complete with masks, sanitiser, and contact-tracing registration. 

The primary focus was the federal government's big push for a 'gas-led COVID recovery'. The fossils in charge have moved on from their previously favourite fossil fuel, coal, and now want a massive expansion of fossil gas extraction. I'm sure it's just coincidence that the panel they chose to advise them on economic recovery was heavily stacked with gas industry people! 

I used to think that gas was probably appropriate as a transition fuel along the road to 100%  renewables. You can turn it on and off quickly, and when you burn methane, it produces less greenhouse pollution than oil or coal. Trouble is, it turns out that you don't burn all of it. It's gradually come to light that fugitive emissions in extraction and handling total several percent, and unburnt methane is such a powerful greenhouse gas that it's then actually WORSE than the other fossils.

Hornsby Shire Climate Action did their bit this morning, with a spirited showing outside local federal member Julian Leeser's office. There was plenty of support from the passing motorists (and truck drivers too) on busy Pennant Hills Road, but the good Mr Leeser declined our invitation to come out and address us.

Photo courtesy Hornsby Shire Climate Action

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