Saturday 4 January 2020

Fuelling our climate crisis: criminal media moguls and moronic politicians

Here's what Australia's so-called national newspaper had to say yesterday on its front page about the bushfires literally burning up the country: Nothing!

Here it is, alongside a selection of international papers:

Photo courtesy of the Guardian Australia. I heartily recommend the Guardian article:
Odd one out

Take a look too at the rather fine reports about the PM's unbelievable incompetence in dealing with the fire emergency, and intransigence regarding climate change mitigation or even acknowledgement usually:
'Climate lunatics' article
'Politics has to change' article
'PR nous deserted him' article

We voted this government in again last May. They're largely uninformed, incompetent fools. They have little knowledge of, or interest in, reality or managing it. They're highly skilled only in managing perceptions. They're the government we deserve. Except it wasn't just a matter of us the voters making our choices. Those choices were 'informed' by media moguls like the one who controls most of the Australian print media. His newspapers have for years now featured daily rants about the non-existence of human-induced climate change and the evils of clean energy. Our commercial radio stations are full of horrendous 'shock jocks' spouting all the same stuff. It's surely been a criminal level of misinformation.

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