Sunday 1 December 2019

Priceless treasures of the dynasties include a cabbage and a pork belly

One of the absolute 'must see' destinations in Taipei is the National Palace Museum. It houses many of the finest treasures from Imperial China, the former possessions of emperors from many dynasties.

How they got to be in Taiwan rather than mainland China is of course a complicated story, like so many things involving Taiwan and China. China used to say they were 'stolen', but recently the respective national institutions have been co-operating and swapping exhibits even.

I spent four hours in there, slowly wending my way up from ground level to the third floor. At the top I discovered the collection of the finest treasures of all: the amazing bits of jade and other stones. And among the most prized exhibits, would you believe, are a jade cabbage and a piece of pork belly carved from stone!

And all kinds of priceless pieces of other arts and crafts

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