Tuesday 26 November 2019

Taiwan's mountain huts - trials and tribulations for the luxury hiker!

Ours was mainly a hiking trip for softies, with accommodation in very comfortable hotels between our various day walks. But there were  a couple of occasions when we had to spend a night or two up in the mountains, and then you take whatever accommodation is available.

Here's Tianchi Villa, where we spent a couple of nights. Except on the second night there was no room inside, and we were put into tents.

There was only an intermittent water supply there, and the arrangements for feeding the masses were somewhat military in style.

And here's 369 Villa, which houses 150 sleepers in an even more spartan style. In practice it didn't really matter how uncomfortable the sleeping arrangements - you are woken at 1am anyway, when the first shifts rise and are breakfasted, ready for their assault on Xue Mountain.

Someone told me these huts are all run by volunteers. If that's the case, they're doing a rather fine job.

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