Thursday 14 June 2018

A masterpiece in bus travel

The road from Makassar up to South Sulawesi's Toraja highlands region is a long and winding one, and when I last did the trip it was a ten hour uncomfortable ride in a cramped and battered old bus.

Well it's still a ten hour ride, but the buses have improved astonishingly. I took the 'Masterpiece' day service with Litha & Co buses. I didn't get to see their super-luxury night bus, but the day bus was more comfortable than any I've encountered anywhere. The seats were very soft and almost fully reclining. Shorter passengers than I were able to treat them as beds. There were actually very few passengers on the northbound trip. I couldn't quite believe my luck. This wasn't the Indonesia travel experience I was expecting!
The bus doesn't have a toilet (some do). But there are meal and toilet breaks every two or three hours.

For my return journey a few days later I used the same company. Their ticket office is on the main drag in town, but the bus runs from its depot some way away. I was delighted to find that the ticket clerk himself was happy to put me on the back of his motorcycle and give me a free ride to the bus when the time came.

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