Saturday 19 May 2018

Another day, another Adani demo

It's extraordinary that they're still needed, but they are. The massive Queensland coal mining project fails to 'stack up' in so many ways, economically and environmentally, that it should have been put to rest long ago. For one thing, the greenhouse gases it would liberate would be greater than the sum total generated by many quite large countries (Belgium and Austria were mentioned).
The Liberal Party of course is full of coal-loving climate-deniers, but even the Labor Party hasn't quite managed to oppose it very whole-heartedly. In particular, Anthony Albanese, alleged left-wing leadership alternative to the right's Bill Shorten, has said little, and couldn't be enticed to address this rally in Marrickville. This is within his Inner Western electorate of Grayndler, which  could well fall to the Greens at the next election, especially if its member stays missing in action on this matter.

He wasn't there in person, but his effigy was.

A couple of hundred people can make quite a lot of noise, and I hope Albo heard us, wherever he was hiding.

Musical accompaniment was from the Riff Raff Radical Marching Band, and they did a great job!

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