Saturday 2 December 2017

Another Queenstown crazy thing

"Why the #$@* would anyone want to ride in that?" I rather undiplomatically asked.

"Why the #$@* wouldn't they?" was the rather obvious retort, from the driver of the thing.

We were talking to the 'Hydro Attack' sharknado* man on Queenstown's Lake Wakatipu. He was just closing up for the day, having put his shark machine to bed for the night, underwater maybe, as we couldn't quite see it.

We'd met him through our Irish mafia connection, and I think he was rather proud of his machine, and of the business. It's a very Kiwi  creation - a thing you ride around the lake in at breakneck speed, on but sometimes under the surface too. It rears up out of the water at times, dancing on its tail like no shark I've ever seen.

Like bungy jumping, it's rather expensive, and definitely not for all tastes. I gave this one a miss too, but perhaps I was a little curious, and a little harsh in my initial judgement. Maybe next time!

* My term, not theirs.

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