Sunday 23 April 2017

Our Gingra journey

Some pictures recording our epic day battling down Gingra Creek last weekend. Try to  ignore the smiling faces. They were just for the photos. It would be fun to make a short bushwalking documentary one day, of a gruelling bushwalk like this one. The video would be the happy, smiley shots like these. The sound track could be the actual expletives and profanities of the sad and sorry participants!

The decades old track notes for our Kanangra-Boyd bushwalk didn't give a true indication of the difficulty of the task. They made quite a lot of the old cedar-getters' track that could be followed part of the way. In practice the track was more trouble than it was worth. For the odd 50 metres it was worth following, but it always became hopelessly overgrown, or totally washed away. We scrambled up and down the hillside looking for negotiable options, and often settled for plodding along the creek bed itself. Wet, slippery, and sometimes impassable too.

The ten kilometres or so took pretty well the whole day. I for one was very ready to declare victory just before we reached that Kowmung River junction, and set up camp for the night, to rest my overworked and aching back and ankle muscles.

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