Saturday 25 June 2016

Hornsby's election anarchy!

The election's only a week away, and everyone is a bit bored after a very long campaign.

I'd been noticing how few election posters were on show around the streets. Apparently the electricity companies are taking them down quickly from their poles, and charging the parties for the work.

At the pre-polling booth at Hornsby TAFE it's the usual carnival of colour and relatively civilised democracy out the front. But look at some of the other posters I stumbled on around the streets the other day! Not nearly so restrained or civilised! One had an A for Anarchist symbol. None of the required authorisations unsurprisingly. The good old anarchists don't field candidates of course, but seem to do a good line in eye-catching posters. And they don't seem to be very fond of the three main party leaders!

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