Thursday 24 March 2016

A right royal Easter Show

 Sydney's big Easter Show is here again, and yep, there's something for everyone. Unless you can't stand crowds. I went on a Wednesday this time, and it wasn't that crowded.

It's Australia's biggest agricultural event, according to the Daily Telegraph. I'm sure that will be disputed by the good folk of Waroona, Gunnedah and elsewhere, but I'll go with it. There are prize animals, prize arts, crafts, cakes, giant pumpkins galore.

There are woodchopping competitions, extremely good collections of paintings and photographs, and amazing displays of farm produce.

Even a flower-arranging competition.

There's an enormous equestrian arena, in odd corners of which horsey people were doing  horsey things that I didn't quite get the gist of. I was impressed by the chessboard patterns on some of the backsides though (horses' backsides, that is). This one was new to me.

Newly shorn sheep, fresh from the shearing demonstrations.


A massive fun fair, with lots of scary rides, and presumably scary ghost houses.


       And more giant pumpkins!

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