Saturday 6 February 2016

Wendy's secret's out

It's not a secret any more. Wendy Whiteley's North Sydney secret garden is quite a place.

 Wendy is the widow of renowned artist Brett, who painted his iconic pictures of Sydney Harbour from the balcony of their mansion just above us. Since his death, and that of their daughter Arkie, from cancer, in 2001, her big project has been turning this piece of railway land from rubbish tip into a spectacular Harbourside garden.

Here's Wikipedia on Wendy Whiteley:

And here's a link to Brett's balcony paintings:

It's a lot bigger than I'd expected, and it has lots of beautiful pathways, picnic areas, sculptures and odd little things to explore and discover.

The exact location of the secret garden must of course remain a secret. But here are a couple of clues: Lavender Bay, and the steps below the bottom of Walker St, below North Sydney. There are no signposts.

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