Sunday 13 September 2015

Our very own Grand Canyon

We've got our very own Grand Canyon in the Blue Mountains near Blackheath, I went back for a return visit last Sunday, and it was looking better than ever, thanks to recent track renovations and a bit of light rain earlier in the morning.

We started from Evans Head, then went out onto a very fine lookout above the Horse Track, where you can survey the much bigger canyons and valleys below. There's a more-than-sheer drop of several hundred metres below, but I somehow don't get scared when it's all good, safe, solid cliff. (It's a different matter when it's about loose and slippery surfaces, or hanging onto dubious handholds!)

Anyway, the main Grand Canyon Circuit is safe and solid, involves only about 200m in descents and then ascents, and takes three to four hours. We added a bit onto this with our side trips to the cliff top, and to the canyon floor proper (not on the signposted tourist track).

What our Grand Canyon lacks in sheer size, it does make up for in beauty! Beautiful waterfalls, rainforest vegetation, caves and cliff overhangs. It's an altogether nice place to visit.

A worthy little leg stretch, a positive experience for anyone of moderate fitness, much recommended.


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