Friday 20 March 2015

Upper Lane Cove River ramble

Back home in Sydney now for a while, and I've been getting out into the bush a fair bit. Sydney's great in that there are a vast number of terrific little bushwalks to be had without even leaving the metropolitan area.

The Lane Cove National Park is a case in point. A few weeks ago I took part in a rogaine, which went by the name of  'Lane Cove Rivergaine'. (A rogaine is sort of competitive treasure hunt for bushwalkers.) I thought I knew all the tracks around this park, but the map supplied by the organisers showed lots that were new to me, and by utilising a few of them, my team excelled itself and achieved a very respectable score.

So I went back to the scene last Sunday, this time with a group of regular bushwalkers in tow, and we did a nice little circuit walk, starting and finishing at Thornleigh station. We had morning tea at City View Lookout, with, as you'd expect, a good view of the city's CBD, 20km away.

When I went back again today to get more photos, the view was somewhat obscured by fog or smog or the Southerly Buster that was on its way.

We also watched some sulphur-crested cockatoos feeding their young in a nest within a fine old angophora tree. And we posed for pictures at Whale Rock, which is of course, a very whale-like rock!

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