Tuesday 28 September 2021

Beecroft's concrete forest

It's called Beecroft Reserve, though part of it seems to also be called Chilworth Reserve. And it's a great little patch of bushland, with a network of walking tracks, lots of access points from surrounding streets, and a scout hut even.

But the bit I found most impressive was the enormous concrete forest through the middle of it, comprised of all those support pillars for the M2 motorway.










In fact it was quite a welcoming space under there. Roomy, easy terrain, and no unwelcoming signs or anything. You're clearly supposed to be there. I quite liked it!

Exercise parks of Lockdown 2 - No.107: Hunt Reserve, Mt Colah





A pretty small one, this one. More of a picnic park really. But a very nice one.

More picnics!


This time it's Westleigh's Ruddock Park, which has probably never seen such picnicking popularity! But Gladys did tell us to go forth and picnic.

Sunday 26 September 2021

Black house spider


It's often mistaken for a funnel-web spider, and it is indeed venomous, but not deadly. It's to be found all over our houses, usually in or around its big funnel-shaped or furry-sheet-shaped webs high on our walls. Funnel-web spiders tend to be low down, usually on the ground, and their homes are underground.

This one was behind the garden hose reel which I rudely removed the other day.

The black house spider also goes by the name of Badumna insignis.

Sunday 19 September 2021


We're still supposed to be in lockdown, but Premier Gladys was determined to give us some new freedoms. This weekend it was all about picnics.

"You're allowed to have a picnic" said the good lady. And look what happened! The people clearly wanted their picnics. Enough of this exercise nonsense!

Here's the view in Wahroonga Park today.

Lockdown bushwalk #137: Galston's secret electric garden


It started as a conventional enough bushwalk along fire trails, starting at Galston, near the swim centre and Hayes Park.

Before long I was circumnavigating an amazing 16 Hectare paddock, buzzing with electricity, power pylons, transformers, switching machines.


Must be handling half of Sydney's electricity supply, and it's got a very low profile, and can't really be seen from any of the surrounding roads. Funny that!

Monday 13 September 2021

The Lilian Fraser Garden

This one's a lockdown recreational space with a difference. It's the Lilian Fraser Garden in Pennant Hills. 

Ms Fraser's family ran a poultry farm in the area about 100 years ago. She herself was an agricultural scientist. When the farm was sold off  for housing blocks, she kept the house and garden, but in later life donated the place to Hornsby Council. You can wander in any time. More here: Hornsby Council brochure

Thursday 9 September 2021

Exercise parks of Lockdown 2 - No.98: Cowan Park

This one was an unexpected gem. I was aware of it, but had never checked it out properly. It's got fine views over lower Berowra Creek.

Friday 3 September 2021

Exercise parks of Lockdown 2 - No.93: Mt Kuring-Gai Oval





Exercise parks of Lockdown 2 - No.92: George Christie Playing Field


It's in Wahroonga, near the southern end thereof. It's a pretty simple rectangular field, probably only rating 3 stars. Except it's got views of the San hospital, and connects to an excellent network of walking tracks and the Great North Walk. And some rather colourful crimson rosellas too. Definitely worth another star or two.



Five stars!